Svenska Club


The history of the Club Sueco began when the settlers arrived on the narrow road of Torrevieja, through lemon groves to the Quesada hill. Rumor had it the Justo Quesada was selling land and property

The settlers were queuing at the brokers who had regular tables at restaurant Goyo´s. The early Swedish-speaking settlers decides to form, as association to strengthen cooperation and started Club Sueco Quesada.

The club was formed in the spirng of 1990 and then has 73 members(today we are about 350 members). Today we have memebers from Sweden, Nordway, Denmark and Finland.

We work with various activties for the members. So that we can to meet and spend time with each other,.

Golf competitions are organized every Wednesday. On the period September-April at La Marquesa golf, about 70-110 players.

During the summer, the golf continues but in simple forms.
